Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Is your mouth short circuiting your life?

I was at the dentist's yesterday with a client. The x rays verified what I had already told him about his mouth. There was an abscess, also two cracked molars and bacteria was filtering through the toxic amalgam into the tooth and it's root and into the bloodstream, the sinuses and also blowing garbage out of his skin, right on his face. YUK!!

We are so undereducated about our mouths and the ramifications are deadly! I was mercury poisoned as a child, my story is on my website, I have seen firsthand the results of sloppy dental work and the lack of health consideration it manifests in thousands of people's lives.

Little known facts such as fluoride is poison and that Crest toothpaste up to 40 years ago had a warning on it, Children under the age of 6 should never use this product!! Where did that warning go? Why am I not protecting my kids now but I was told to then?

Wake up!! It is your job to know what is going into your mouth. Scrutinize every single thing. Just because someone says so, doesn't make it so!! Root canals are dangerous, I know, I have seen what they can do, over and over again. I have seen people die, needlessly, from the poisons in their mouth. I also am tired of seeing people suffer when the fix is available. Your mouth should be in perfect working order, with non-toxic and bio-compatible materials only in it. Heart attacks and strokes can result from a screwed up mouth, so can cancer.

Make sure your dentist is on the same page as you are. If they practice toxic dentistry - run. You're the buyer. They die faster then most of us, commit suicide more often, have more mental health problems and have a super high divorce rate. Is this indicative of a lifestyle and career choice that promotes health and happiness??

You need to know the facts. Parents do your homework, your child's health depends on it. Start with your own mouth. Google it, the truth is there for all to see!!

Years ago, people were told asbestos was safe to work with, now we know the truth. This is exactly the same. Don't be a victim, it hurts us all.

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