Monday, August 5, 2024

YOUR PRIDE the fire of the lion and the family they protect YOUR PriDe is your responsibility

I spent the day with my pride yesterday. My family is my greatest pride. I did many things because my family needed to know more than we knew before. Each generation gets a chance to broaden the perspective, promote the growth and share the love. I have that pride that makes me smile, makes me think, makes me get up, clean up, dress up and show up. They make me laugh! It has caused me to stand up and speak out about the things of my heart that healed my health, changed my view of this world, and the children here. THAT is all I need to do. How about YOU? What does your Pride need? Food, light, laughter, nature, support?????? Think up something you wanted when you were younger, and do THAT for them. AND be proud that you did. IT IS Time.

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