Tuesday, October 15, 2024

KNOW or NO you need to...

Choices are a part of the freedom earth has been promoting for a long time. The choice to do WHAT you choose. People ask me for advice, I say this is what I would do if it were me. YOU CHOOSE what makes you balanced, free and confident. It is like sports. Some I love. Skiing down a mountain is awesome, riding bareback on a horse is even cooler. Then there are choices I would not ever consider let alone choose. I am not able to eat shrimp, it makes my throat swell. SO I would NOT choose that. It is that simple. YOU need to know, then you can say NO, or I want to KNOW MORE PLEASE. Learn to muscle test yourself, to dowse, to intuit. Apply kinesiology process. Blaming someone else for fooling you is over, you are the MASteR learning to BE the MASTER, YOU are the one you have been looking for, you KNOW who YOU are. I KNOW that for sure. So let's get on with it, we are lucky to be here for this magical upgradein to the age of aquarius, whether you know anything about that or not. I DO and it is true, and you are lucky to be YOU. AND I am lucky to be SU!

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