Monday, September 2, 2024


Our genetic codes are long and wider than you know. So in the spirit of what you do now, take a peek at who you are authentically, as truly an ORIGINAL MASTERPIECE. Your fingerprint shows you that it is true there is only one of you. In a sea/see of 8 billion sets of fingerprints, that is truly extraordinary. Yesterday my daughters and I moved stuff around in my house, putting the authentic pieces front and center. It is truly beautiful. Sometimes we forget, as we try to fit in lot of stuff. I fit in lots of choices, and now it is time to release those I am finished with. Carly said afterwards to Jessie and me, NOW COME and do my house too! WHO are YOU? Let the things used up now go to the next person for their use. Decide the favorites, keep and display them for your own vision of who you want to be scene/seen as. AUTHOR of your story, YOU, the ONE AND ONLY! Take it to the next level and you will find a sense of belonging here like never before. Beauty and balance. That is why authenically I teach bareback horsemanship. It is SIOUX/SU.

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