Friday, August 9, 2024


does it ever end? Drawing from light, from laughter, from love. Pools of energy for the use of humanity here. Which pool do you swim in? The life force pools in the body, energy coiled. The heart is the holder. As it flutters, beats, or even pounds, the energy is released. Put your heart into what ever you do, it will flourish with the flood of pooled energy you carry. I work with horses and kids, the energy of the heart of the horse released to the human in the field causes a flood of love, of healing, of release and relief for both. In documenting HEART MATH in the thesis of a British PHD candidate Beth, our ranch and her horses provided the proof. In the field, symetry was attained by both hearts within minutes of connection. Medicine comes in many forms, energy for me comes with the happiness and health of working with the horses. Oh, and humans too!

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