Monday, August 12, 2024

SImple service

FOLLOW THE ROAD. Some choose the yellow brick road, some the red road, some the over the rainbow road. I choose the simple road. I ask for that which keeps me entertained yet I do not want it complicated. SIMPLE. Healing is simple if you let it be. Nature makes the road to wellness her gift to us. Water, sunshine, fresh air, beautiful sounds, and earth beneath our bare feet, like sand at the beach, or soil in the garden, or clay pulling the energy from the stuck places. The body has it's simple way of organizing itself. Happy is important, peaceful is important too. Genuine is really simple to self, yet complicated to present. Honesty is where we begin, the mirror is where we look. All things reflect YOU to YOU! In the eyes/I's of a child the vision is clear. WHEN and HOW you choose, start with simple. KIDS DO! And the fun begins.

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