Monday, September 9, 2024


Transmitting and receiving - the energy of the brain. The third eye along with the other two, receiving and transmitting. If you knew the broadcasts that you were not receiving you may need more help to receive. Dreams are there for you to process without resistance. I always dream of helping make the world a better place. I especially feel that way about children and animals and nature. I use those dreams to help me with the higher vision of less resistance. It is not available if you do sleep deep. Clean the Pineal Gland, it does not like flouride, nor mercury. Check your ingredients, check your mouth, your teeth. If the Pineal Gland is plugged up dreams will be hard to access. We use Biologically Trained Dentists to clean it up. we use clay, chlorella, and other magnetics remedies to chelate the overload. It is time to dream, let's make this world a happier, healthier, and very horsey place. YOU WILL love the dreams it brings true!!

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