Saturday, September 14, 2024


Licenses are issued for those willing to be the pilot. It takes focus and courage. It is a commitment to safety, and possibly the most exciting activity ever. I teach bareback horsemanship. I started with people with special needs, then came addicts in recovery, then people released from prison, then kids from rough places, then everyone wanted to learn how navigate and be the pilot on my fabulous horses. Yesterday it was a MOM. Actually it was 2 different MOMS. I can not think of a more powerful choice then to raise up your body on the bareback of 1,200 pounds of pure beauty and energy. Balance is key. Watching where you are headed is key too. Speed is variable, up to the pilot in control and up to the horse with the pilot not in control. How do you navigate your reality? Have you learned to see from way up there??? Move to the next place easily and quickly? Do you TRUST yourself to be your own pilot? Get your license. Take the time and enjoy the ride. WE NEED WARRIORS, and learning bareback horse riding is a wonderful way to practice being a leader, a pilot. See you in the arena.

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