Monday, March 16, 2020

What class to I attend to learn CHARITY???

Not much for formal classes, I have ants in my pants, so it better be very good, or I will not stay. I say I want 8th graders here at our ranch for classes. I teach - health, wellness, accountability, freewill, yoga and bareback horse riding. I think I should also teach charity. What is that? It is the sincere feeling of adoring something or someone, to the point that assisting them is the passion. It is like raising someone else's child. YOU are able to feel passion when it is YOURS. It is natural. When it is someone else's sovereign duty, we are less inclined to get involved. THAT is where the divine law of charity plays her hand. It is a partner to the divine law of> mercy.So in the light of the times, use this a guide to define your purpose here. Give your fortunate self, money, time, joy, skills, or simply a warm smile and a leg up, to someone in need. NO... it is not your responsibility, it is your sovereign duty as a being of light. AND remember this, what ever you give freely, you receive in return, 10 fold. WHAT a good deal, huh? Join the class of humans who believe charity and mercy are all we have left, cuz apparently no ain't anymore toilet paper
! Namaste'

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