Friday, March 13, 2020

What is in my Medicine Bag?

I have carried a bundle for decades. Some people have noticed it, others not so much. I use it for my health and balance. It is my strategy for victory. It contains that which is sacred to me, my body and my spirit. Decide what makes you well, and happy. A stone, a bone, a nutrient, a photo, a crystal or even just something written on a piece of paper. You are the Captain of your own vessel. What would the Captain have? And what would the Captain tell his crew in times of trouble? YOU are that Captain. Sit for a moment and feel what you would do and need. Then make your medicine bag, your bundle. Clear the way for your opinion first. The opinion on others not your priority. NOT even YOUR BUSINESS! Fear has no place in your bundle. Be loving, supportive, honest and hold the vision for victory. You are that capable, I know that to be true, because I KNOW YOU! Where we go one, we go all. I'll be bringing my medicine bag with me! We are safe.

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