Sunday, March 29, 2020

How do I /eye KNOW? BALANCE

It is the knowing the gives us the peace that passes all understanding. Understanding is the key. Balance is the gift. I have seen too light, too dark, too loud, too quiet, too right, too left and too two, too. To the exclusion of balance. The understanding that love is all there/their/they're is brings balance. I am here to share that with those I meet. Putting it on the line, in my work, my life, my relationships, my health, my money, is my balance. Like the checkbook you have, it holds your accounting. I gave my checkbook and the balance it provided away a long time ago, I choose to account to another not of this world with a checkbook filled with love. I can account for my love of humanity and it's children. And I do every single day. That is how I know who, how, what and why I do what I do. It balances. Take your knowing and receive that which makes it balance. It is the time you came to do that, and it will not come again. BALANCE...a gift like no other. A time spoken of long before now, and an opportunity to balance your book of life.

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