Monday, March 9, 2020

Putting your ear to the ground, like the horse does with it's hooves

They can pick up the vibe of a wolf, or any predator walking the earth. My horses hear my footsteps with their feet as soon as I walk out the log house. They look up from where ever they are and nicker to me. If I move toward them, they move toward me. If I stay still, they stay still. Communication is silent to the ears, yet very clear to the listening. If I whistle they come running. They are brilliant. We must all listen now, very carefully. Our world needs our full attention. She is speaking, through the land, the water, the sky and especially the animals and the children. They are crying. Some are lost, some are hungry, some are abused and others are ignored. Some are drugged, and some are annihilated all together. Too much trouble, not enough love here. Listen, very carefully, you are being called to, called up, and called in. It matters not what your race, politics, gender or religion is, harmony and cooperation are the only way out of this mess. Clean it up, open it up, live it up with a smile and a helping hand. CO-OPERATION with no restrictions is imperative. Just put your ear to the ground and she will tell you, in pictures you can see, in sounds you can hear, and with a language YOU can understand. Then we can do this thing. Namaste-Dr.Su/Sioux