Saturday, March 7, 2020

Difficulty or simple respect

It is not taught. Respecting the space that surrounds one's self, and the field they occupy. It is called the AURA. It surrounds the life force like an electric egg. It strobes, pulses, and even vaporizes with the choices that the life force makes. It extends about 6 inches past an extended arms reach. It is your safe space, or at least that is it's primary job. It moves you through, lights your way and softens the blow. Energy is energy, period. Whether seen or unseen, it is always felt. The hair goes up on the back of the neck and you are being aurically warned that you are not safe. When that happens to a dog, they snarl. When that happens to a horse, they back up. When that happens to a child, if it is not respected and assisted by someone with authority to override the issue, they become difficult. Nuff said. My daughter Jessie and I did aura video, when I speak to her, her heart light changes, not her ears. The man videoing us said, OHHHHH, that must be your MAMA, your heart just said so!! He saw, what we knew. Listen and learn, difficult is not necessary, respect IS!

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