Monday, March 23, 2020

Earth, the living library, time to get your new card!

I love the library. I love books. Books were made from trees. I love trees too. The Earth Station, our Mother Gaia, in our souler/solar system is an oasis that houses a living library. You were offered a time slot here to use your card and enjoy some learning. The records kept here are ancient. The trees hold the spirals of notes taken. They bore the stories into the soil. The stones keep those records safe until it is time to tell the tales. The GRAND CANYON is a great tale teller, changing the human that enters her energy, revealing millions of layers of life kept there in the library. The St. Croix River, where I live, has her tales to tell too. Akashic Records, still sealed until now. Take a walk to the river, among the trees, watch the eagles, and listen carefully. She loves her human students. It is TIME, the legends are real, the stories documented, the Earth will share all her magic with you. Nourishing you with tales/tails of old and new. Grab your dog, and hit the trail, the Earth Mother has missed her children, and she says, No time like the present, it will be her GIFT to YOU! See you on the shore. And don't forget, you got a card for this library, USE IT NOW!

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