Friday, March 27, 2020

Fishes and bread loaves.........

You each have a fish, you each have a loaf of bread. You are alive, and upright. Take a moment to process that amazing gift. When you see the magic in your alive-ness, you can multiply everything. As a child, you learn to add first, then you learn to subtract. Many never get beyond SUBTRACTION. A life of feeling less, or lack, loss becomes the normal. In this NEW NORMAL, learn to multiply. Here/hear is how you do that. See your fish, that is the emotion body of you, yoUR WINE/WHINE, smile at yourself in the mirror. PRACTICE! Then go out and smile around. PRACTICE at that too. The loaf of you is the BODY, clean up your whatever needs CLEANING UP, and when you are done, go help someone clean up theirs/there's/they're mess. We will learn to multiply, it is imperative, and it promotes success. It is a promise made to us long ago, and it is being kept. Be that success, multiply your fishes and bread loaves, all of what you have, and spread it around. We are READY. The promise is now. Thank you Hunter and Mike, you multiplied and my tipi went up! Now comes the artists, time to see the magic they bring.

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