Thursday, March 17, 2016

Pay back time

This is part of a potent 12-year *process* (Jupiter Cycle) as it relates to Pluto's purifying and rebirthing abilities. This Activation can assist you with a lot of the *Energy* Work you've done over the last 3-4 years in terms of "clearing debris" and making *meaning* out of your experiences. This is a delicious opportunity to take your *Truth/Story* to the next level in a way that both expands your world, as well as those whose lives you touch along the way. It is primarily Social and Collective, but if you have the Signs involved activated in your own chart, that's when it gets *Personal* and you can use the extra *JuJu* to transform your life. The primary caveat that comes with this is to deeply and honestly scrutinize your *Motivations* for wanting to improve/change your life. This is a time when you should be focused on that which serves you and benefits others, in clean, positive ways. If you are being manipulative, sneaky or underhanded in any of your doings, even if you profit immediately, you will eventually *pay* the cost on the back end. It's time to think *Higher* and/or *Bigger*, not the time to be petty, small or narrow-minded. If you operate from a place of integrity, you can make leaps and bounds of progress in terms of expanding your world, personal Story and positive influence on life. This combo also greatly supports cleaning up past mistakes, advancing your career, increasing your resources and overall course-corrections can run rather smoothly (due to the Trine aspect) however, naturally, consciousness and genuine effort will also be required but the work is well worth the ultimate reward when these two *dance* in

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