Saturday, March 26, 2016

Focusing with intention

How often to you set your intention? It is my intention to make sure everything is fun and light. I do not really set the way there, just the outcome. Some people miss that part. When life seems challenging, the intent is to ride the wave, no matter how big or wild or unexpected. If you can see the shore, you can get there. It is something to work on. I know in my practice people are sick of sick and tired of tired. I know how frustrating that is for them. Yet I always ask what they wish for, that is the setting of intention that is the end result. No matter what, you will receive what you believe. That is the law of spirit in body, the flow goes wherever you direct it. I do love, light and laughter, and yes, horses and puppies and kitties and kids. This weekend, do it intentionally, and celebrate the gift you all have! Eye on the prize everyone, I on the prize!!!!

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