Sunday, March 27, 2016

The egg

Easter is all about the egg. That new life. It is older than the Christian version, but no matter who tells their story of rebirth it is a worthy listen. In the spirit of the day, use the egg for a new view of you. See yourself within the confines of your egg, your auric energy bubble. Then clean it up. Use your view from the inside and wash the glass. You are the one who colors the inside. I teach to be very careful with what comes from your mouth, because what you say stays in your egg! Clean it up, See it through clearly. Then let the light shine in, as you let your light shine outward. The fields or bubbles of our personal space are ours to protect, nourish and remain safe within. Forgive yourself for any action or word that produced less or loss, and the rest will feel forgiven. When the field within becomes vibrant it radiates, like a golden velvet warm morning sun. Use that gift to love your world, starting with you. In a clear view you will feel that love returned for now, clean and clear, you can be seen. That egg is yours and yours alone to care for. Today is the day to start fresh! Happy Easter/Ishtar day. I am glad we are all here!

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