Thursday, March 3, 2016

Earthquakes and changing terrain

That's how she does her deep work. Our Earthstar can ebb and flow with the moon and tides. She can rain or snow and blow. She has a life of her own which we have poisoned. It is non-sense, as it is her who feeds us and keeps us safe and warm. She is our mother energy, our nurse and our best friend. She can cheer you up with a rainbow! She is now getting ready to buck and twist. Just like bronco in the rodeo, she wants the rider who is spurring her OFF now. There will be a winner and it will be her. We always knew that. She needs to begin to create new terrain, healthy, balanced, nourished and sustainable. For that alone she will need to focus on the new, not the old. The old is gone now. We are awake and quickly taking an accounting. It is time for the balance to begin. Closing the old books, the old story, the thorns and whips and all that stopped us from healthy and happy is complete. The fear ruled our days has been erased and brave loving humans are moving into position. New terrain for us all, good news!!

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