Monday, March 7, 2016

A halo of roses

I have seen that crown of thorns thing beaten to death every single Easter season. The whipping, the crown of thorns and of course that infernal cross. I knew as a kid it was the drama that drove people to fear and brought them looking for relief. I always thought time and energy and jewelry would be better spent on a halo or even a star or sun burst. I could not understand why ANYONE would want to relive that pain, that old story. Crosses that constantly put that in your face and reminded you of that awful situation. The ascension was the outcome, the journey to it something to avoid or at least be careful with. I do like to suffer nor see suffering. I do not like pain, or drama, and I really can not tolerate bullies. Misused authority, be it political, religious or in education, the law, healing or anything that should be sacred and trusted drives me to my knees. There is where I find my halo of roses, my sunburst and yes, stars, lots of stars. This is the spring time, find your halo of roses. We all deserve them now, and in the light of this season, celebrate our healing.

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