Sunday, November 9, 2014

Re-Member yourself to us

All along the way humans have forgotten their true identity. They think they are finite. In a body, and becoming that animtated body consumes their life force and they stay in the lower chakras of sex, drugs and rock and roll as I call it, and competition and  the ego and the opinion of others rules their world. It is an all consuming, addicting, never ending battle of less, lack and loss that brings with it PAIN. Along the way avatars of great light reminded them that they were so much more. Jesus taught communion, and said please, use this ritual to re-member me and us together as ONE when you eat! Which is done frequently. White Buffalo Calf Woman taught rituals like the pipe of peace and the unity of a marriage. Buddha taught the ONE was it, we were all the ONE together here. AND that was here on Earth. Some of us remember from when we were awake and intentional before these lifetimes and what we promised to try to do while HERE. You can remember too. Close your eyes and ask to tap deep within the cache of gold within those memories that brought you to this world. Ask for the reason you volunteered to be part of such an amazing quest. Freewill, tough stuff, needs to be fine tuned, I personally prefer DIVINE WILL. The overlighting of my choices takes the pressure off. Pray and meditate, two other off - world skills we could use to advance ourselves now too.  Just re-member, you are part of a large group of loving starseeds on an adventure here helping Creator to add in. YOU were perfect when you began and will be again soon. REMEMBER????????

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