Saturday, November 22, 2014

Spare me the details doc, just cut to the punch!

That is what my client said this week in my clinic. I love that. Someone so ready to get well that anything slowing them down, even my explanations, needs to stop NOW! He wanted the facts and the solutions and then, he needed a hug. I love this work and those who show up ready to learn that health is a divine right and you deserve to know how to care for it and maintain it all the days of your life. I applaud all of you who are getting to that place in your life. You can stand in line waiting for your meds, or you can  cut and run and learn something new that puts you back in play now. Let go of that long drawn out opinion of someone trying to sell you something, when it makes you fearful or trapped, you are in the wrong place. The limbic system shows you that with it's zings and bell rings, like anxiety and feeling out of control. Run!! Find the sweet place where you can learn something helpful and trust that you can heal yourself with a little knowledge and support. I will spare you the details or I will disclose all that I know, you tell me how you want it to go. Then let's all cut to the punch, and be well now!!! It is time.

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