Sunday, November 23, 2014

the season to be Merry/Mary

The Sagittarius Vibration

Within our consciousness, Sagittarius reflects to us how we connect to our deep intuitive knowing. In human form we define this as our personal truth. As humans our connection to Mother Earth/nature is hard-wired, and Sagittarius also reflects to us our relationship with natural law. Natural law is simply defined as the rights and values that are inherent to human nature, or universally cognizable by human reason. For example, our inherent right to freedom is a natural law, whereas laws regulating industry are not.
On a personal level, as mentioned above, Sagittarius will reflect how we personally see and experience the spectrum of creation; the personal perspective we use and share when interacting with the world. Our spiritual selves use the Sagittarius vibration to explore and expand what we know as our lives on this Earth timeline. It is what we define as our journey, our personal story. The totality of all of those experiences becomes how we personally interpret creation.
Sagittarius (personal truth) through its polarity Gemini (language) reflect how we communicate our personal truth and intuitive knowing to others. This is why whenever mainstream science tries to debunk astrology, you can always find humour in knowing that the very communication (Gemini) of that personal truth (Sagittarius) reflects its very validity as a mirror to our inner drives. Astrologyreflects to us who we are and is one tool amongst many that help us interpret deep truths that guide each of us in finding our way back home.
Finally Sagittarius will correlate to the right brain function. The creative aspect of our minds and our intuition.
Welcome to the season of JOY! Mary is the reason for the season, the love that produced the LIGHT that needed to move forward. Nice huh?

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