Sunday, November 16, 2014

Capable of so much more

Limits and boundaries, imposed by fear, rule humans who are left out of the loop of community and the acceptance that community can offer. I see those on the edge a lot. They are sad, sick, angry and some are ready to die. Those who grumble or point out flaws are in pain on the inside. Cancer, autoimmune issues, fatigue and depression are the outer expression of inner loss. Capable of so much more yet inhibited by opinions and experiences with family, friends, churches, teachers, coaches, and yes even your own doctor. If you believe you are broken and require drugs, or therapies or something that costs you day after day, look again. You were designed to be immune, ever healing and capable of SO MUCH more than you are taught. I have seen so many miracles in my lifetime, and I know those who changed their way of thinking about the opinions of others and started thinking more highly of themselves were healed. I promise you truly are the most capable/cape-able super humans this planet has seen in a long time!! Believe it!!

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