Wednesday, November 12, 2014


11/12 ~ Mars (action) ~square~ Uranus (freedom):
This is the "Rebel" energy - what's your "cause"? If you are clear about your own authentic Truth & Purpose, then this energy is refreshing and uplifting. You acknowledge change is necessary (and inevitable) and you co-create with this energy to transform your current life. This is a rebirth energy too and being "reborn" is never easy. Worth it - but not easy. However, if you are NOT clear about who you are and what you're capable of, this energy shines a light on that aspect of your life which you instinctively already know needs an overhaul but for whatever reason you are still holding on to the old habits/patterns. Unwilling or unable to embrace change at this time, you only increase the feeling of being restricted by external energies. Your life is a direct reflection of what's going on inside you. How's it lookin'? Check your ego, recommit to your Truth and remember that change is GOOD! And if you don't go voluntarily (read: consciously), then you'll get dragged to the new level, kicking and screaming and you'll be so exhausted when you get there that you may miss the beauty in evolving to the next level. (This IS what you've been working toward, correct?) Remember, conscious, effective action creates FREEDOM.

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