Friday, November 14, 2014

Never could, sit still or be quiet

I always had questions and needed answers. I was relentless. I also move around, I am antsy. Prancing around like a little dancer, singing and bouncing around is when I am happiest. The stillness was confining and compressing to me, the darkness and density too thick and binding.  No answers was always a dark place of  ridiculous time wasting secrets for me.  Lies were even worse. As I reveal me to me and to you along the road of this journey, the dancing  and the answers come quicker.  In the light energy we are there for us all to see. Lightworkers have been here a long time, they shine in the dark and open the eyes and knowing of those who are close and willing to see and believe the bigger picture. This is a grand reunion, humans and heavenly hosts working together for the greater good here. I am so greatful/grateful that the quiet and the still never ruled me or my life here, it served me well to dance as if noone was watching! Turns out they were watching and now they are dancing too, and YES asking questions that deserve honest answers. YOU too?? Yes, you too.

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