Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Visual learner

I am a visual learner, I am the show me kind of gal. Don't tell me, ask me. Don't take anything for granted either, say what you think and want. Seeing is believing. So in understanding those who need the VIEW, here is my simple explanation. I know how the body is wired, and the eyes are hooked up to the kidneys and the liver. They are my filters. They assist me in the translation of all things 3D. Vibrating at amazing speed is what we do and yet most people see SOLID not liquid. We are both. On the celebration of my 11-11-11 trip in Mexico, I became liquid for the camera. I had just won my lawsuit against KSTP and my future loomed bright. As my daughters and I opened our hearts to the greater good and the vision of what that could be I began to Ascend. My girls grabbed my hands, grounding me. We do that with love, and it keeps us present and solid a little bit longer. I stayed again. So in celebration of today's 11-11 energy, and the gift of vibration and the picture it shares with us, I share my family with you and our vision of what a better world looks like! Liquid and solid together, holding on for dear life, and YES LIFE IS DEAR!

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