Wednesday, November 19, 2014

How many chances do you get?

As a mom, I would say as many as you need. As a physician I would say until you can no longer stand the pain. As a friend I would say - why chance it??  I do not believe in chance in truth. I know this world does though. There is really only intention, conscious or not, it is the driving force for reality to each one of us here. Setting it is the key. Do you choose daily, I do. Do you set yourself up for success, I do. Do you attract nice people, with loving hearts, I do. Once in a while for the fun of it I will take a chance. Usually on a game of some sort, and once in awhile, with people. I have learned though that those are risky and commonly I lose. Lessons for me and you. Do not chance it, go with the sure thing. Love is all there is, and if you keep your focus on that, everything will work out just fine. Last chance or not, get it right this time, we all deserve that.

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