Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Innocents lost, who is accountable?

The children, nature and her children, animals and sea creatures, too, need our devoted protection now. Less, lack and loss have reeked havoc among those who we are charged with caring about and supporting those innocents. Money and greed, power and adrenaline steam roll over our land and our people. Authority abuses it's privilege to nurture and educate by abusing those who have no one to protect them and are vulnerable. Parenting is at an all time high with 7 billion people incarnated, and at an all time low with abandoned women with children and no partners to be accountable. Pseudo parents or steps, do their best to pitch in, yet the electrical DNA connection is strongest and most trusted by a child. We need community now. We need one another, to watch and protect what the Creator has trusted us with. I moved from the Twin Cities back to my little hometown when my girls were ready to go to school for the simple reason that here they would be known, for I am known here. For here they would be safer and my community would care about them the way it cared about me as a child. I was safe here and loved. I am accountable and made choices that supported them, now they are grown up ladies and when their kids appear on the earth plane they will know from experience how to protect them the way I did. We are all accountable, those who do not believe that are in for a big surprise in the revelations of their lives. Please gather up your family, your friends and your neighbors, and offer safe haven now on every level. Be the eyes and ears and heart that Creator created  YOU to be now. It is the only option left to start fresh and restore our Earth to her best self.

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