Sunday, August 26, 2012


I attended a memorial for my friends father and the joy in the faces of those who remembered when the memories were shared was inspiring. It is always a loss to our senses on so many levels when a family member moves on to the next level of consciousness. Not about what was, but more about what could have been. Was there more to say to this person, or other things to accomplish? Was this person a part of the daily routine and now that would all change or was this person someone in your life once in a while who occasionally appeared and would be missed? We commonly take for granted those closest to us. Some where in our mind thinking they will always be there and that you will get to them in a minute. Those questions that still need answering or those thoughts you still needed to share. Or maybe just saying that you are important to me in my life and I love you being in my family. Or maybe I forgive you now I am not mad any more. So today in memory of those gone now make an effort with those still here. If you love someone and they haven't heard from you in a while speak those sweet words of community and friendship - MAKE THE CALL! Send the card, drop by or simply in your quiet time - meditate them into your mind and give them a big hug and smile at them. They will feel it no matter where they are - if they are in your heart they are alive and present!

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