Friday, August 10, 2012

How to stay well - SAY I AM WELL!

As you speak your reality into existence it is important not only to say what you want but to surround yourself with those who speak the good things into your world as well. Encourage each other with words of support. The changing of the mind and the words you utter becomes the changing of the body and all of it's experiences. I know that happy people never get sick or injured. We only get what we need to change our life here. If I like it all and believe it to be good and right and well, that is how it will be. I choose not to surround myself with doom and gloom and those who curse out loud or try to scare me, that just wrecks my world and yours. The fear and self pity that pervades the thoughts of many should not become your mantra nor should we give it even a moment of our time. Instead, say I am well, I am successful and I am love in every way with everything. The Creator does not make mistakes, so don't worry just look and see the silver lining or the pot of gold - it could be there right in front of you!!! DO NOT LET IT SLIP AWAY FROM YOU. Hopelessly hopeful and proving that to be the amazing way, and the amazing truth and the amazing life here and forever! Dr. Su. Let that be our prayer.

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