Thursday, August 9, 2012

the gift of the autistic

there is a young man who flew over the new york skyline for a few minutes and got back to earth to draw a mural of perfection from memory. check this autistic guy out on facebook. what is the issue here??? these new humans are on upgrade on genetics for a world gone dark. they are highly sensitive and the toxins blow them apart. when offered a non toxic lifestyle they display extraordinary gits, alphas so to speak. the dregs of humanity want the darkness and feelings of fear and seperation to remain here, but that time is concluding. clean our land, our water and air, take direct action now to make choices that will make a radical difference. no chemicals on your lawn or your body and then we'll see who these new souls really are and what they have come to do here!! live now like you want there to be a tomorrow filled with promise and hope and health for all of us. Namaste' Dr. Su

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