Monday, August 13, 2012

Beauty and grace shall follow you

We get the beauty part. We know beauty when we see it and we know how to pursue it too. The grace part is new and commonly rare to humans. Graciousness is a behavior, a verb and a state of being. It goes with the flow. It enhances the flow with a gentle smile of indulgence. It has no temper, no sense of intolerance. It is the grandma you loved, the lady from up the street who always had cookies or it could be fellow with a twinkle in his eye when he sees the shenanigans of the children, no noise, no yelling or pointing out what is wrong, but a graceful, loving smile and nod that supports the adventure no matter what it is. I love grace, for it leads to allowance. I love allowance, don't you?? It is the gift and choice that open the flow to a love and spirit of community lost and now found again. Today be gracious, be graceful, be the GRACE that the Creator is and wants us to be. Namaste' Dr. Su

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