Wednesday, August 8, 2012

it is not WHAT you do - it is how you are and do what you do that makes the difference

i got my boots polished once at an airport and the gentleman who took care of my boots did it with such amazing charm and generosity that i had to tip him a hundred bucks for the experience. HIS BEINGNESS WAS INSPIRING. it is who you are and how you are that makes our world what it is, especially in the face of adversity. when the tough times come it is a test of the soul as to see who you really are and how you are going to be. being, being the only choice we have. there is no tomorrow, no second chances, no do overs, simply being and choosing in that being WHO AND HOW you only you, ARE! WE HAVE ENTERTAINED ANGELS UNAWARE, THEY SECRET SHOP YOU ALL THE TIME, CHECKING IN WITH YOUR BEING. they observe your conduct, they listen to your words, they assist when asked to help and they remain ardently your biggest fan. be now in the spotlight of your own life, a creation of being proud and strong and loving and ever improving! it is the chance of lifetimes!!!

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