Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I had coffee yesterday with a fellow who said that to me - I want to talk about water as a crop and my eyes lit up. Every single disease epidemic was initiated by something happening to the water in the area first. When we have access to clean water we have access to health on every level, personal and geographical. We are the manifested energy of light in the flow of water attracting minerals in the physical form. We are water babies! That is the way it is and the sooner we get the hang of that and begin to understand the process and the manifestations that can happen the world will be healed. So in the spirit of recovery, let's focus on water!! Make sure YOU DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO PROMOTE CLEAN WATER ON THIS PLANET! Start with your yard - no chemicals are needed for a healthy yard - just good nutrition for your lawn. Do not through stuff away that can pollute our water - recycle or find a different way of using stuff or use something different that gets used up, like real food without wrappers!! Today drink pure water 4 times and see how good you feel - hold the GLASS IN YOUR HAND AND SPEAK POSITIVE WORDS INTO IT FIRST. Choose carefully because the change the structure of the water very quickly - ask Dr. Emoto about that. Namaste' Dr. Su

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