Friday, August 3, 2012

From your past you are your present

The Akashic records record history in an etheric or energetic library of sorts. There are records of earth history, the oldest storage being here in the st croix river valley where I live. It is a generator of history waves. You are also your own record keeper, with stored memory not only in your brain but also in your body, the bones being the oldest of those receptacles. WHO WERE YOU?? WHAT CAN YOU RECALL OR RELATE TO?? You have familiar feelings some comfortable, some terrorizing, simply records of your experiences. Some memories return with places, some with dates, some with people. I got sick on New Year's Eve for many consecutive years until I remembered it was the day my dad died when I was two. The rage at the feeling helplessness and hopelessness would bubble up and I would vomit like I had the flu. I finally bumped my head real hard and remembered that day and time and forgave the whole mess and moved on from that. I was never ill again on that day. People are the same in meeting old friends from past times, some instantly fall back in love and other's begin the same battle they were in when they departed the last time they were together. It is interesting to see it and even more so to know it for sure in your own life. Find these memories and meditate on the fullness of what they mean. They give you a chance to DO BETTER THIS TIME. Try it, you'll like it.

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