Thursday, August 2, 2012


This summer with the heat and the solar flares people have been experiencing lots of detoxification symptoms. Heat at night, weight gain, a feeling of swolleness, tired and heavy legs and ankles, break outs, short tempers, upset stomachs, that is just to name a few of those responses. One way to know you are detoxing is your eyesight shifting, the meridian into the top of the eye is liver, that is the headache place too. The lower part where bags and circles form is the kidney meridian. Using cherry and blueberry in juice and just eating them will really help alot. They are working overtime for sure this summer. The illusions we are burning through need the heat of the fire to clear them out, It is a big job for a fragile body, especially if you are full of junk, junk food, junk drink and just junky thoughts. If harmony is not your natural state now you need to clean up YOUR mess, it isn't someone else's although you may be irritated with others, it is your own stuff, and needs your attention now. Stay cool, stay hydrated, stay balanced and allow the shift, it is a wonderful thing and a real gift to those who follow through. Peace out!

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