Thursday, September 8, 2011

There are no bad questions

When I was little I had a lot of questions. Incessantly asking everyone everything. Got me into a lot of trouble. People do not like to be asked when they don't know the answer and little kids know when you are making something up just to shut them up. Let's just admit we don't know all the answers just quite yet. And it is OK.

I teach meditation. I should have been taught it as a kid. Asking up for answers that are not readily available down here really works well. It is not about the opinions of other questioning humans it is about a higher view and the bigger picture.

I told a client yesterday to get a blank notebook and take a minute each day to fill a page with who knows what. Ask a question and then quietly receive and write your answer. You will be so surprised at what comes through. Your Creator and all the Heavenly Associates that surround you talk to you through your listening. Quiet breathing and receptive loving openness make a fertile ground for divine help. WE ALL NEED MORE OF THAT!

I have been known to write on a napkin or a stray piece of paper when I need info and I don't have my journal with me. Funny how just listening to me and my higher self does the trick every time. No fees for counseling, no judgement on my challenges and I love myself enough to laugh at a lot of what I sometimes think is serious but really in the larger scope is funny.

You are ready to know more, just ask it is time you knew it all!! Dr. Su

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