Thursday, September 8, 2011

Just cause it is legal doesn't make it right

Just cause it is illegal doesn't make it wrong. Many beneficial remedies are illegal in America, Coca Tea is one of them. So helpful, so energizing and brain supporting. Marijuana is another one, a cure for Alzheimer's disease, check the Wikileaks website. You are missing out on what Nature knows will help you.

Foods that come in packages, preserved and pressed into shapes and colors can be poison to us. A little autistic kid I have for a client used to eat fruit loops and it gave him a hangover!! His mom didn't get the connection until I pointed it out to her and then she was sick at what she had been inadvertently doing to him. Changing his breakfast to real whole food that matched his blood type changed his day to one of energy and success instead of a headache and a stomachache and fatigue and irritability.

Kids with anger issues have diet issues! Crap food makes their bodies and their minds very very cheated and angry. It can make a bully of a nice person and a slow learner can get back up to speed with the right fuel in their tank. DO NOT LET THE SCHOOL FEED YOUR KID, The food is cheap junk and they will pay a high price. No milk either or juice, send your own real food and watch your kid excel.

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