Monday, September 12, 2011

Find the Magic, it's there

You and I are faced with choices lately that this world has not put in front of humans ever. Pollution, conflict, prejudice and loss are a part of people's lives daily now. There do not appear to be the halcyon days of old anywhere is sight. We have forgotten them in the rush to move forward.

So for today find the little piece of magic in this day with the people and places you experience. Look into the eyes of the clerk and say one kind thing. Pet the dog for a moment longer when you walk out and leave them alone for unending hours and tell them you are grateful for their patience and unconditional love. Put a note on the board or in the lunch box of someone as a surprise, just to remind them they are important to you.

That is the magic. The effect of things unseen as real and seen. See the beauty, then express your feelings of love for it. Tell yourself today you are worthy of great things and great relationships and then believe it. Magic will happen. It must start with you, you are the one who opens the door for the flow to be there.

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