Saturday, September 3, 2011

Dreams are real, so realize them!

I love to sneeze and I love to dream. Funny. Sneezing clears me energetically and I like how that feels. Dreaming puts me out of my physical limitations and let's me see the bigger picture. Sometimes I awake dream, like I am actually aware and awake and dreaming all at the same time. I love that too, it really inspires me. My sleep dreams are almost as good. People dream of me too, they say they see me, woman or hawk, but always know it is me, other's dream me before they meet me and then they say " yup, this is you, I saw you in my dreams". Kids do that a lot.

There is a plane of knowing that dreaming takes you to. We are evolving very quickly into a way of life that will take a lot of dreams to repair what we have damaged. I say there is no cure but you, find the cure for your life in your dreams, then find it in your reality. REALIZE IT REALLY.

Dream big and pure now, dream solutions to issues and dream of love and healing beyond your human knowing, that is how this reality will shift. Mary dreamt of Jesus.
Go to that place of dreams of the big stuff, Jesus was big stuff. You are big stuff too! Realize your dreams,put down on paper what you need to dream about, ask yourself to allow the dream to happen, write it down as soon as you wake up, using the nouns and pictures as your guideposts. Get a good dream book and look up the details. Water means emotion, ceiling means higher aspirations, basement means subconscious and so forth and so on. Find out what the truth is from within and from a place where limitation does not exist and there is no fear.

I am. Dr. Su

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