Wednesday, June 29, 2016

How are you being represented?

There are connections here. You are connected to your family, your town or neighborhood, and your work too. If you are an employer, every single person in your employ represents YOU. Years ago my nephew worked for my client, I did not know that until one day when someone said so. I mentioned it to the owner and the very next day, he went and shook hands with and visited my nephew. It was how Guy was, a father, a CEO and an amazing human. Thousands of his employees would say that was true, and his clients would too. His success in life and business shows that, and he is loved everywhere and admired too. Anything less is not going to make it now. WE ARE WATCHING, AND HOLDING ACCOUNTABLE......EVERYONE. Bosses/owners more so than staff will take the brunt of the judgments humans will have against those not in the light. I am all about it, kids holding their parents accountable also a part of the shift. If you have authority of any kind you better be using it! Clean up your world, know your representatives and make sure you can afford them. They are YOU!

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