Thursday, June 9, 2016

Venus - Ah home sweet home

Initiated on June 6th. Venus in Leo Cycle Article: In order to honor that which Venus is illuminating in your life, it’s good to set overall intentions for this first half of the cycle, at this time. Keep them broad for now because you will hone them as the cycle progresses, as you strip the layers of the last 8-yrs and as you regain clarity about what sustains and fulfills you. This cycle is about restoring integrity & peace within, while establishing new joy, beauty & protection without. Consider the Leo Theme and think about what has to be *Integrated & Released* in order for you to upgrade the love, beauty & joy in your life. It’s time to realign with your own heart & discover a new facet of your Being that illuminates your Authentic Self in new, radiant & delicious ways. The first half of the journey is about releasing that which has served its purpose and run its full course. Keep in mind throughout your clearing process that you are creating space for the NEW. It’s not so much about what you’ve lost or sacrificed, although that’s important, it is more about creating space with rich, fertile soil to plant new seeds and set new intentions as you move onward & upward. As you clarify what you are releasing, it is also a good exercise to set (loose) goals around what you would like to reclaim on the back-end of this cycle. You will get another chance to answer these questions 10-months from now, and often, something shifts by then. You may find that you are ready to reclaim a completely new level of the answers you have now, to something altogether different, because your fundamental *values & priorities* will have shifted by then in unforeseeable & magical ways. Again, consider the overall Leo Theme but now, there will be a strong Gemini Theme kicking off the *Reclamation*. Think: Fire/Air ~ Creativity/Ideas ~ Friends/Social Circles & Learning how to love Self & play with Others in completely new ways. In June 2016, it will be time to think about what has to be *Initiated & Reclaimed* in order for you to open up to new ideas that will allow you to upgrade the love, beauty & joy in your life. It will be time to integrate & practice with your newly fortified connection to your own Heart & Authentic Self. You will be emerging, after your release process, to discover a number of new facets (thanks to Gemini) of your own Being, illuminating different aspects of your core essential Self that you will begin to play with, and then choose which ones to cultivate going forward. The second half of the journey is about reclaiming that which is ready to be embodied & expressed in a completely new way. This can & will now support you more fully going forward because you’ve cultivated it from the inside-out. This meeting with the Sun (6.6.2016) will initiate the *Reclamation* part of the cycle and give you the opportunity to define these terms and answer these questions again.

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