Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Dr SU's list

There are lists. Naughty or nice, that is Santa's list. Good or evil, that is God's. Then there is good service, that one is Angie's. My list is about light. I know how light is here, and where it shines and how it is generated. I see it, it comes in voices, and bodies and actions. Light is generated by self love and knowing you are worthy, a child of the Universe. You can excel at something and not be light. It doesn't hold, it can not. Covering up darkness with production and noise, only builds a house of cards and when the winds of love and light are ready to reveal you, the lesson comes. It blows very hard and clears the deck. Then the world shakes and your structure falls apart and then it gets to reboot. Some will stay and others will not. I am watching the cards fall on this planet, karma is being dished out at it's most efficient and promised level ever. Remember you get what you give. Your words are your bond, and to lie, cheat or steal, or be a bully in any way, especially to women, children or nature and not care about them, will yield massive life changing ground shaking. Hold on now, this world is about to rock and roll. I am so glad. Light will get the foothold and all will return to it. The rest, good bye you were warned.

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