Wednesday, June 22, 2016

How deep is your WELL????

Most people don't even have a "well". I mean the kind where you have healthy, energetic, balanced and happy most of the time. That is WELL. It is not perfect, yet real and even profound and ever supportive. It is a structure that gives life. It should be deep and nourishing and clean and accessible. I have a well, I have had for a very long time and it serves me WELL! I totaled my sports car the other day, at 45mph I slammed into a really big SUV, and walked away, well. It shook me, hard, really hard. It gave me pause, so I went home and did what I knew would make me well. The very next day, I WAS WELL again. I can take a hit because in the deep part of my well, I am all that I need to be and have it in my well. Healthy, energetic, balanced and happy, most of the time. How deep is your well? If you need a teacher, come on over. I am very good at teaching you well.

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