Sunday, June 5, 2016

Bigger, brighter and clearer

I woke up to all my electronics, computer and phone, magnifying the picture. I did not get up in the night and reset everything personally, the Universe did that while I was sleeping. As a Sagittarius I get to do BIG! This kind of big was unexpected and gave me a thought. What if we all saw the bigger picture clearly in a brighter light all of the time. Nothing hidden, no secrets, no dark corners or under the bed stuff. Just a beautiful picture of the truth and it's illuminating what needs to be attended to. Use the light of the SUN/SON to see and believe and receive, then change that which is obviously in need of change. It is easy to see under the magnifying glass, and you all now are being given one of your own. A double full moon time in Sagittarius guarantees it. First in May then again in June, our gift to YOU! Be calm, look and adjust, it is all good and worthy of attention to detail, easily seen and remedied.

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