Sunday, October 12, 2014

The ROUND table whole again

I am a lucid dreamer and commonly analyze my dreams while still dreaming. I dreamed last night of a big round table in two pieces. One here and one way over there in the mansion of my work and life. It was being used that way, separately. As I came to the place in my life where I knew the changes must be made now, the first thing I did was put that round table back together. Then I put the chairs back around the whole thing and moved it into a position where it was perfect and usable every time we sit down together. The head was gone, it was equal and everyone was valued in such a way, that regardless of who you were or what you did, you were the same as the rest of us there. What a relief! I have watched silently and sometimes not so silently, as the head ruled the table with a iron fist and the other end served and never sat to eat or visit. It is finished. I am grateful. All together now, in communion, the way we were taught and they way we will heal our families and our world.

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