Thursday, October 16, 2014

Health care - buyer beware

I had a chance to experience American Medicine in two emergency rooms last month with the serious injury of a friend. One in Moab, Utah and the other in Grand Junction, Colorado. Night and day, were the experiences. The whole difference was a result of the people in the room. I see auras, I hear truth in people's words and I try to allow, align and appreciate every experience for what it teaches me. I must admit, the nurse in the Moab, Utah ER taught me alot. He was cruel, toxic and incredibly willing to spill his issues on to my fragile friend. It was amazing at how quickly he could snatch the light of hope and potential help from someone so vulnerable and in need of support and reassurance. I dismissed him as soon as his words starting terrorizing the patient. I was not loud, simply adamant. The next crew in the next ER were amazing. Although fearful they were honest, compassionate, and true to their task. They supported my friend by allowing me to remain and hold his hand for the entire procedure. Choosing was our right. We chose to switch. You choose daily in every way. If the people you come in contact with do not light your day up, give you happily what you require then choose to move to the next crew. When you leave, say WHY. The only way to get the upgrade is to PICK IT! We will get what we desire when we have the courage to walk away from what we do not.

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