Thursday, October 23, 2014


The HOOK UP to the stars. It is the literal Jacob's Ladder. Swirling upward, rung by rung, linking you home. Hard to imagine?? Yes. Most humans are so in their body only, that knowing you are a field of energy and light and design, hooked and fueled from some other location is new to you. You are not separate. You never were. It is an illusion to feel alone, albeit very educational, it is simply not true or real. I have watched Guardian Angels and Relatives stand beside their charges, unable to connect because the human refuses to open and receive. It is love, pure love, that they offer. Love is a powerful fuel. Support in knowing that you are divinely designed, hooked to a Creator system that is infinite  and very supportive that offers unlimited and unconditional love is the hardest lesson to believe and receive. It comes through in your DNA and it hooks you to family first, past and present and YES, future too. Close your eyes, see the chords of glittering light and say thank you. What you appreciate grows! Love should and will grow with this connection open to receive. ANSWER the call!! YOUR line is lit and yes, the phone of YOU, is ringing and ringing and ringing!

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