Thursday, October 16, 2014

Fresh start

Every single day you get the chance to make a fresh start. Change begins first thing. Some people sleep right through it. Some are so caught in their rut that a different routine or breakfast or route to work is unthinkable. So today think about a fresh and lively start for your day. I teach breakfast! I learned it from Tony the Tiger when I was in the 1st grade. Our class had a contest, we had to mark off the breakfast foods we ate each morning for a week and see  how much we could chow down on. My mom cooked me everything on the sheet, every morning, no kidding. I brought in my sheet after a power week of eating breakfast like a KING. They couldn't believe it! I did it though. So as life offers, I had learned a valuable lesson with that eating. Nothing in the morning - a nothing day. Lots of good stuff before 9am and I could win any contest I wanted to. Addicts skip food for substances that alter their perception, depressed people don't deserve good food and that  starvation feeds their insecurities and yes, it makes them FAT. Sick people skip it because it is too much work and staying weak and sick is their focus. Fresh start now, water first, lemon helps it work better. Fruit next, get the body zinged with enzymes! Then a breakfast that your blood type would burn fast and furiously. I eat eggs and yogurt and granola with lots of nuts! I eat power bars and then, for good measure I have a glass of Clearvite vitamin powder and liquid minerals and greens! No wonder I feel so good and can run this big ol' ranch!! Try it, Tony and I endorse this and I bet after you do this for 28 days, you will too!

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